Well I knew this would happen eventually my old image hosting sight has bought the farm, and hence when you load my page nothing shows up, so I guess it's time to get working on that new layout that I've never finished slicing up.
on another note I have decided that instead of leveling blackmage to 75 I will instead level Beastmaster givin that my life at the moment is not very FFXI-friendly time wise so I will level a job that lets me level when I want to for however long I want and with whom I want...
on another note I have decided that instead of leveling blackmage to 75 I will instead level Beastmaster givin that my life at the moment is not very FFXI-friendly time wise so I will level a job that lets me level when I want to for however long I want and with whom I want...
Depending on what level your black mage is, you can very easily solo when you want for how long you want (: I solo'd probably from 25-75 or so, so for a very nice chunk of the leveling. Good luck with beastmaster though, that's a fun job too!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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