Back with a wallpaper

Well I'm finally back into FFXI I've yet to really turn it back on yet though just sort of considering my options with the new level sync system, should I continue to solo my Redmage to 37 or should I level sync it and party my way up, then finally start the slow journey that is Blackmage to 75.
But other than that I was wondering if the update had gimped beastmaster pets as Exp whores, I had seen in the last update notes it had something about editing all the bst pets.
But without further addue I'm just releasing a wallpaper for show, if anyone wants anything done graphically please let me know I will enjoy working on it as it gives me something to flex my Photoshop muscles with, I don't get enough work nowdays so my skills are becoming rusty so I need to get back into fighting shape.
On to some real world news...normally I don't post much about what I do oustide of Photoshop and FFXI here but I decided to gripe about my current situation at work.
So I work at a local superstore in the electronics department, uppon hearing that the Portrait studio supervisor put in her two weeks notice I imediatly threw myself into the aplication procedure for the position, wether I get this position or not is highly unlikley due to the store managment not being on my favorable side in most situations, but stupider stuff has happend before.
Like when I was all set to become the assistance manager of the electronics department some fool who just came back to working at the store after a 2 year spree of being away from the job of a electronics clerk decides to move back to this town and start...he then promptly was promoted over me, I am currently in a dispute with my union about the whole affair but considering that my union is comprised of a bunch of morons I doubt I will see any form of compensation unless I can irefutably prove that he was never fit for the position....
But that shouldn't be too hard considering he is
-Always late for work
-Rude to customers
-Doesn't really work very well
-Poor leadership skills
-More or less encourages slacking on the job
with a long list of growing character defects, the only bad thing is he is the department managers friend, now my department manager is a very great guy it's really the only reason I'm still at this job at the moment, but I got to say he need to assert his athourity more to stop the slump that our night shift employees are creating within the department. We are #1 in the province for movie and video game sales within the we accomplish this is because the dayshift works there ass off while the night shift rests on there laurels knowing our manager is too much of a softy to do anything about it.
Hopefully good things happen to good people and I get the Portrait Studio position...I've never been a fan of people or children but I manage to sell stupid people stuff they know nothing about nor care to do research I can manage to make children smile...or perhaps cry at the sight of me. Through Highschool a majority of my studies were on the composition of images through the eyes of a computer the same princables of computerized imagry is the basics of picture composition
Center of focus, make a trail for the eye to follow, the meaning of colors to relate to feeling and the person, lighting, focus. all the same in taking a picture of a person angle of the subject and such so I have the basics down for the position and training is provided by the company for areas I make lack in knowledge of photography but I do know my way around a studio at least. Here is hoping...if not whatever I'll stay in my early stock shift for the electronics until something else presents itself.
If only I had the nerve to tell my "Assistant manager" to learn how to work instead of dick around...oh well perhaps it will come down to that someday...hopefully I can spare myself burning of bridges it's a small world afterall. You never know when you will end up working for someone relative that you decided to be a ass too.
Oh well and as I complain the world keeps turning and life goes on, with or without the promotion I am generally happy where I am and could do it for years to come.
Ichigo's hollow = win! <3
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