Location: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Holy Update batman!

Holy shit! I mean, HOLY SHIT! SE did some fucked up, yet good stuff this update...I mean really Force pop rogueberry I pray this turns out as well as I hope..wich includes me and a Thiefs knife someday.

More besieged stuff, new assault area!, new assaults! and hell yes somethine I've kinda prayed for a while, no exp loss in CoP BC's! yes! I'm free to try whatever whacky job combo I can get my hands on now bwhahahaha. It's just so much to take in, SE really got a hold of what the players want, without going overboard.

I'm somewhat worried that RMT are going to move in on crafting more then ever now though, and thats even harder to detect then someone farming a NM 24/7 sure a person can't spend a week straight day in/night crafting the same item over and over for minimal gain, and RMT can I noticed my main money craft rock bottomed to litteraly not worth crafting because RMT monopolizing it. I fear the worst for my craft cooking for it's cheap to level and has steady but low income, unlike Goldsmith or something that takes a large investment and may not always pay off and end up in a loss something GS would want to avoid.

I hope SE will see this and have a countermeasure for this. the best solution IMHO is to make a even better special task force...give them guns, and assasin training! find RMT's and KILL THEM ALL! /end sarcasm.

I guess we will never be rid of RMT permanently they only go from anoying 1 area of players to the next.

On the other hand Striders...thiefs knife...I wonder what LoO going to drop, lets hope it's not the new DRK spells ha!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so silly.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus man do you still play this game!?

8:29 PM  

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