FFXI hiatus
Sorry to anyone who has been wondering where I am, I have been playing around with my New CPU so have been a tad to busy to log onto FFXI. Civ 4 is very time consuming...and fun.
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Saturday, December 31, 2005FFXI hiatus
Sorry to anyone who has been wondering where I am, I have been playing around with my New CPU so have been a tad to busy to log onto FFXI. Civ 4 is very time consuming...and fun.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005Community, economy and the such.
RMT is here to stay as much as we all hate it, I will continue to despise the trade because it influences the real world econimy in third world countries for another meduim to employ people for pennies a day, and make money Hand over Fist over other people missery.
Also with christmas being here I seen a post on KI of someone wondering why IGE was out of gil, and the idea dawned upon me people are buying mass ammounts of gil for christmas presents in game and in turn destroying a stable economy because other non gilbuyers, gilbuyers and RMT take advantage of the fact people are to lazy to wait for a overpriced item to go back to normal price.. For example Scorpion harness is 10 million now, and other items have recntly insanly risin in price. as for FFXI, if you let all the coruption and fighting in the game slide over you the game is very, very enjoyable but when you actually think of everything wrong with the game it can seem the game has gone to the dogs. The games all about perspective, and I enjoy the comunity more then I do anything else, and there is nothing RMT can't sell you a good community. Wednesday, December 07, 2005Homework....once again!
Humans; thought to be the only inteligent life-form on earth, we have the abbility to create or destroy. Humans have a natural craving for power, after all we are drivin by our instincts no matter how inteligent we are. The worst qualities of humans will show when the chance for power arises. The picture above represents the worst of humanity, the death, destruction, and carnage we are all capable of.
The picture itself has a anceint, dark feel to it representing how deep seeding and long we have been this way. We can see the blunders of humanities lust for power in our government across the world, just by looking under the covers to see what lay beneath. Money is power, and power is the root of all evil, therefore Money is the root of all evil. The world powers spend billions and billions of the tax payers money to develope bigger and better weapons, it would only take four hundred of our biggest warheads to destroy the entire world, yet we have near ten thousand of these warheads ready to launch at a moments notice.He who has the biggest guns calls the shots this seems to be a accepted truth to the world. Society has made this behaviour acceptable, it seems that guns big enough to blow everything up, including yourself are a good thing to invest your money into. The image istelf could be broken down into a description of how humanity encourages this behavior, the two figures are both skeletons, representing death, the smaller one is society cheering on our leaders seen as the Grim Reaper, to carry out his duties. The picture also shows the Grim Reaper himself decaying forshadowing his own demise. Between a small childhood fight for ones milk money, to the cold war, we see how low humanity will sink for the mere right to feel superior to everyone.We invest billions of dollars into weapons that are unrealistically powerfull and have a payload big enough to turn a civilization to ashes, not just destroying soldiers but inocent civilians as well. The image above represents this spiral into destruction, Death the ultimatum of destruction and humans worst qualities. Humanity may now proudly say "I have become death destroyer of worlds". Thursday, December 01, 2005More homework Social and English
First we will go with social, again i'm sorry I could not print this off for you, but I will not have the proper equipment until next semester or when I move.
Is it really as it seems? ----- Ever sence the Internet has been released to the mass public, many things have happend to what is right and wrong in society. The freedom of the internet has changed to rules of society because humans can hide behind a screen, with little worry of taking responsibillity for there action, because of this people will do things they never would normally including theft. Downloading music has been a problem to the music industry because it reduces there revenue gained on Compact disk sales, and sence the music corperation is afterall a corperation they will do anything necisary to get as much money as they can. But the greed of the music company is not at question, it is the question if downloading music is right or wrong. Many people believe it is perfectly just and right, because the Corperations are greedy and charge to much, it is easier than going to a store, or because they don't wish to pay for the music they want to listen to. The internet has released a new form of society but is the way this society forming right or wrong. Music stars, musicians and all figures related to the music industry, generate massive revenue for themselves and it is hard to find a rock star who does not live in a mansion. The music industry tells us downloading music is making it less desirable to create more music and is bankrupting them, the music industry obviously makes enough money to outfit themselves with fancy cloths, gold jewelry, and a overall wealthy lifestyle whereass most the people who spend there hard earned money on this live a average or below average lifestyle. The fact the music industry tells us that music is not profitable anymore is absolutly ludicris, if they don't generate revenue on concerts, music videos, clothing, jewelry, misc paraphenalia the CD sales would keep them in business either. Like any corperation, they are run by the all mighty buck and the more they can drain from us the better anything stoping them they will atempt to crush any means possible. Downloading music is extremly easy, there is little required to do it besides knowing how to point and click. In the days before it was portibabl, music was not very popular because it was a very enduring and expensive procces to go to the concert hall and sit through a symphony, and as times changed they found ways to make it easier for the common person to listen to like Radio and Compact disks. As such the revolution of portible music this is just another change in the times of downloading music, like all things that change poeple will resist it because it disrupts there way of life. Is the music industry loosing money because of this? imple asnwer is no, there are now industries adapting to this and selling there music online at more affordable, cheaper, and more sensable prices. Downloading of the internet is many times easier then traiditionally buying music at a store or with a credit card, and as long as few people are punished for this behaviour people will continue to exersise this behaviour. Is downloading music illegal? yes, is it wrong? yes, despite all this people still download music because the way society percieve the internet as a sort of wall against normal society. The majority of the world disregards this as even being morally wrong, and therfor little or no action is taken against this criminal offence. The proper way people are supposed to download music is for themselves and themselves only, but there are those who disrespect this rule and will use there ill goten gain and use it to profit themselves. This is the kind of illegal activity wich gives the casual downloader, who download music to sample or just for single songs a bad repuation. Obviously downloading music is wrong, but what will the future hold for this practice will only be known in time. Like many things, the way we listen to music has been changed by computers and as things changed other things will change in time as well. Currently music industries claim they are loosing money, and will eventually no longer be able to produce music wich is unfortuanatly for them not true. Downloading music is much easier, cheaper, and less labor intensive then previous forms of ataining music, and is widly accepted in society. Although it is illegal people care to little to accept the laws, and like everything in time the laws will change. As long as the internet remains available to the public there is no way to stop the spread of property and ideas wether someone likes it or not, maybe in the future stricter laws will be in place but as it sits there is little to nothing the industries can do to stop them besides suing a few people who have no way to afford the stagering fines. In times things will change and the crime of downloading music as illegal will be a thing of the past. and now for english MR.Goodwin if I ever get you to view this page accept my apoligies for not printing this paper off. D-Day- letter from a American soldier and his short encounter with the enemy. ------- D-Day. Today....Today was the longest day of my life, it all began on the cariers that were to drop us off on the beach, it was quite as we aproached the beach. Jenkins asked me for a smoke so I tossed him one, no sooner did he light it we heard a deafening crash of to our right, it was one the cariers hit a baracade. I readied my rifle and got ready to jump out on the beach, by the time my unit had left the carier half of them were lying in the water mowed down as fast as they came. At that point in time I could not help to think why we are doing this, what were these people fighting for, all those men had admirations and familly awaiting them at home yet they were the first to suffer a bullet to the chest and never have a chance at those dreams. I was quickly brought out of my trance by a grenade exploding about ten feet infront of me, I then quickly jumped behind a baricade and put down some cover fire for what remained of my unit. The fight was long bloody and hard but we eventually reached the bunkers and began to clear them out, the extent of wich these people fought was insanity, they did not want to be taking prisoner, they wanted to fight to the death. Our unit has secured a safe bunker and intend to camp here tonight, I pray we awake to the familliar faces of our friends..... D-day cont. We finally got up from our rest the unit decided to head out and secure more bunkers, I leave this last note hoping I will continue this journal, this is not a war it's a massacre. *This book was found on the body of a soldier who was killed on patrol during D-Day* To both my teachers I am sorry if you belive my work is lackluster or not polisheed if you wish to discuss my work with me we can do so in class, thank you again for reading this page for my homework asighnments. and MS.Reed I could not recall the other writing asighnment, and had no time to type anything more sence it's allready1 AM,a dnw ould like to make it to school tomorrow ^^; |
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