Homework....once again!
Humans; thought to be the only inteligent life-form on earth, we have the abbility to create or destroy. Humans have a natural craving for power, after all we are drivin by our instincts no matter how inteligent we are. The worst qualities of humans will show when the chance for power arises. The picture above represents the worst of humanity, the death, destruction, and carnage we are all capable of.
The picture itself has a anceint, dark feel to it representing how deep seeding and long we have been this way. We can see the blunders of humanities lust for power in our government across the world, just by looking under the covers to see what lay beneath. Money is power, and power is the root of all evil, therefore Money is the root of all evil. The world powers spend billions and billions of the tax payers money to develope bigger and better weapons, it would only take four hundred of our biggest warheads to destroy the entire world, yet we have near ten thousand of these warheads ready to launch at a moments notice.He who has the biggest guns calls the shots this seems to be a accepted truth to the world. Society has made this behaviour acceptable, it seems that guns big enough to blow everything up, including yourself are a good thing to invest your money into.
The image istelf could be broken down into a description of how humanity encourages this behavior, the two figures are both skeletons, representing death, the smaller one is society cheering on our leaders seen as the Grim Reaper, to carry out his duties. The picture also shows the Grim Reaper himself decaying forshadowing his own demise.
Between a small childhood fight for ones milk money, to the cold war, we see how low humanity will sink for the mere right to feel superior to everyone.We invest billions of dollars into weapons that are unrealistically powerfull and have a payload big enough to turn a civilization to ashes, not just destroying soldiers but inocent civilians as well. The image above represents this spiral into destruction, Death the ultimatum of destruction and humans worst qualities. Humanity may now proudly say "I have become death destroyer of worlds".
The picture itself has a anceint, dark feel to it representing how deep seeding and long we have been this way. We can see the blunders of humanities lust for power in our government across the world, just by looking under the covers to see what lay beneath. Money is power, and power is the root of all evil, therefore Money is the root of all evil. The world powers spend billions and billions of the tax payers money to develope bigger and better weapons, it would only take four hundred of our biggest warheads to destroy the entire world, yet we have near ten thousand of these warheads ready to launch at a moments notice.He who has the biggest guns calls the shots this seems to be a accepted truth to the world. Society has made this behaviour acceptable, it seems that guns big enough to blow everything up, including yourself are a good thing to invest your money into.
The image istelf could be broken down into a description of how humanity encourages this behavior, the two figures are both skeletons, representing death, the smaller one is society cheering on our leaders seen as the Grim Reaper, to carry out his duties. The picture also shows the Grim Reaper himself decaying forshadowing his own demise.
Between a small childhood fight for ones milk money, to the cold war, we see how low humanity will sink for the mere right to feel superior to everyone.We invest billions of dollars into weapons that are unrealistically powerfull and have a payload big enough to turn a civilization to ashes, not just destroying soldiers but inocent civilians as well. The image above represents this spiral into destruction, Death the ultimatum of destruction and humans worst qualities. Humanity may now proudly say "I have become death destroyer of worlds".
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