Anyways just some updates and pictures and whatnot. All fairly random some new some older just though I needed to spice my blog up with some pictures so you all might read it XD

My moghouse is becoming overwhelmed with event energy!



Yes! I finally bred a blue chocobo, I don't have to call KFC anymore allright!
Making a physcial chocobo this time around probably not the best idea due to the fact they were all mental based before...but oh well I was tired of my chocobo running like he had gravity cast on him! and the fact they never learned any abillities from the stories anyways...

Randomness from a trip to Halvung with a bearded man...for what reason we went there I forgot, I think it was to free a NPC!

Old~ but funny I just found this in my screencap folder, when soloing pup when I actually played it and droped a crapload of money on it due to puppet climed up a cactus and started fighting the about getting the high ground.

Another reason why I should turn on my Drawdistance higher when I'm on ships looks pretty even normal though, I should get more SS's of scenery because my graphics card can handle the game very well ^^.
Well thats it for random stuff today, I will try to keep the blog updated...and actually get the new template up and running.