The sky looks lovely today.

I finally finished Cor AF1 with the help of Rhyis coming all the way to the mire to raise my sorry ass that somehow droped sneak and invis in the middle of a chigoe swarm *I have yet to figure out what happend I couldnt get agro from them and no imps near* I'm so not looking forward to any other COR AF quests due to the fact I have to go through that retarded door, and have one of those retarded keys to get there...
The gun itself is pretty sweet though.

I got bored of looking at all the Cor's in there frilly pink shirts so I decided when I get mine it will be a bit darker to fit my Shade skins I put on my Character. This is what I will look like when I finish my Cor AF~ I think it was a fairly decent reskin compared to my other skins my Scorpion harness skin needs to be redone the grey with blurry JP characters just is not doing it anymore. and I need to change the color of my leggings and feet, but thats for when I get less lazy.
and also in tribute to Rhyis for saving me, I pledged to name my first born child Beard, or in the event of a girl Beardette.
...I must go visit my choco baby I named him Black meteor nice name I think, I have to go take him for his walkies!

On another note I am working on revising my template again~ I'm going to try and go for a more structured look something like what I see on Strawberries blog, I just feel like I need more structure to the layout as this one is somewhat cramped. Give me your thoughts on it so far I'm planing on expanding the size to take up the screen better and to move information around.