New template yay or nay?

So ya I made another template, made a previous post but I've revamped it a bit and hope I can get some, if any feedback on how it looks before I replace this template... >.>
On the FFXI part of life, I want to do assault but I'm not a high enough rank to join the beard and his possy of merry men. I never see shouts for assault anymore and if any they are in JP and obviously they refuse to take a poor NA fool to there runs...So ya if anyone does assault runs give me a shout i'm willing to do any rank up to 3 *the rank I'm at* and if that means doing leberos assault over and over I'll do it, I just want to get to the higher tiers. Or if any sumoners want easy wins <,< you know what to do. Ok..some problems loading pics to bloger here is a link instead
I'll put a pic up as soon as blogger stops being gay
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