Location: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

Sunday, October 09, 2005

FFXI- Emergency update SE to blame?

there is one thing that just gets under my skin is when people start shouting "FUCK SE THERE DUMB!"

As much as it sucks for people who had plans to play today, well just bad luck nothing SE can do. 9/10 people you talk to ingame will call SE retarded, until you state the fact they update the servers and maintain them so shit doesnt always hit the fan but in this case SE can not control the forces of nature as much as they wish they could.

but I can also relate to those who are angry *even though they should not be angry just kinda dissapointed at a bad streak of luck* sence FFXI is such a involving game, it's not "Just a game" it's like going to the mall, or a hockey game, or a competition. Lots of people will even plan things ahead for events in FFXI, Imagine your Hockey game is cancled because there was a crime in the arena, or your trip to the mall was cut short due to a car crash, or your competition was cancled. you would be a tad anoyed to in most cases.

Most of us know there is nothing we or SE can do to fix this problem, lets all vent and say how unconvient it is, but don't shit allover SE about it.


Blogger Oshikorosu said...

; ;

10:28 PM  

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